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Salon Guide

269 bytes removed, 23:00, 9 February 2019
Mothchive Updating: added content- form and how to title
== Mothchive Updating ==
Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametRegardless of the type of salon used, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus pharetra eros et arcu ultrices egestas. Maecenas eu dictum dui. Nulla odio metus, fermentum sollicitudin laoreet vitae, commodo et sem. Nulla tristique felis vitae venenatis pretium. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aenean eu magna purus. Ut vulputate ultricies sapien ac tinciduntthe owner of the cat must submit the changes to Mothchive themselves.Staff members do not automatically submit changes!
Suspendisse sed fermentum augue. Suspendisse vel odio semper, sagittis ante a, auctor neque. Etiam tincidunt ligula a tincidunt iaculis. Suspendisse dapibus, augue a placerat blandit, neque lacus pulvinar leo, nec ultrices massa lacus a orci. Nulla vel nulla accumsan, accumsan nibh vel, vestibulum orci. Nunc dapibus, odio at suscipit vulputate, turpis ex convallis metusTo update Mothchive, vel scelerisque ligula nisl nec lectus. Donec tempusnote this filled out form to the account:{| class="wikitable"| '''Stash Link to Base''': (Saved as transparent PNG- the complete chive base for self serve, ligula id euismod mattisor the final watermarkless art for OA)  '''Link to Approved Salon''': (The approved salon comment for Self Serve, arcu erat pretium diamor the completed salon in the group for OA)|}There is no set format for titling this note, vel vestibulum tortor dolor et quam. Vestibulum gravida lacinia ex vitae elementumbut it should be clear about the purpose of the note.Some examples include:* (Id Number of Cat) Self-Serve* OA Salons* Self-Serve Salon Update
== Bank Updating ==

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