
Salon Guide

1,572 bytes added, 06:51, 28 January 2019
Fleshed out the OA section, added a place to put bank forms, added related pages
Information in this page relates to [ Ayana's Beauty Salon], both Self Service and Official Artist.
In general, unless stated, the royal "Mothcat" is used in this guide- this guide also applies to subspecies.
While Subspecies can have OA salons, OAs may decide on a case by case basis if they are willing to do a specific Subspecies.
Sed ac odio in mi tincidunt blandit ut sodales est. Sed lacus nuncOA Salons have unique Trait Change caps, dignissim vel laoreet necdepending on the tier chosen- unlike self serve, pulvinar sed mauristhey are not theoretically unlimited. Nam aliquet lorem purusThe amount the Mothcat can be changed in general also depends on the tier chosen. In summary:* Portrait allows clothing and accessories to be attached, vitae venenatis leo tincidunt abut no other changes may be made. Integer ac posuere felis* Basic Touch-Up allows some design changes, vitae elementum ipsumand one Common TC may be used. Integer vestibulum enim in urna tempor fringillaClothing and accessories may be added. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet* Simple Groom allows design changes, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur sagittis diam elitfree swapping of Common traits, sit amet ornare purus feugiat non. In lacinia eros justothe use of up to one Rare TC, eget aliquam ipsum feugiat sedand unlimited Essence/Applied Trait Voucher use. Fusce a augue dolorClothing and accessories may be added. Sed turpis lorem* Fancy Groom allows design changes, free swapping of same-rarity traits (other then breeds), auctor sed arcu utthe use of up to one TC of any rarity, fringilla condimentum odioand two purchasable Common-to-Rare trait upgrades. Ut sodales augue blandit felis tristique ornareThere's also unlimited Essence/Applied Trait Voucher use. Donec non felis ut sem faucibus pharetraClothing and accessories may be added. Mauris egestas odio quis felis euismod semperClothing and accessories added through an OA salon become permanently attached to the cat.
== Mothchive Updating ==
Suspendisse sed fermentum augue. Suspendisse vel odio semper, sagittis ante a, auctor neque. Etiam tincidunt ligula a tincidunt iaculis. Suspendisse dapibus, augue a placerat blandit, neque lacus pulvinar leo, nec ultrices massa lacus a orci. Nulla vel nulla accumsan, accumsan nibh vel, vestibulum orci. Nunc dapibus, odio at suscipit vulputate, turpis ex convallis metus, vel scelerisque ligula nisl nec lectus. Donec tempus, ligula id euismod mattis, arcu erat pretium diam, vel vestibulum tortor dolor et quam. Vestibulum gravida lacinia ex vitae elementum.
== Bank Updating ==
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus pharetra eros et arcu ultrices egestas. Maecenas eu dictum dui. Nulla odio metus, fermentum sollicitudin laoreet vitae, commodo et sem. Nulla tristique felis vitae venenatis pretium. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aenean eu magna purus. Ut vulputate ultricies sapien ac tincidunt.
Suspendisse sed fermentum augue. Suspendisse vel odio semper, sagittis ante a, auctor neque. Etiam tincidunt ligula a tincidunt iaculis. Suspendisse dapibus, augue a placerat blandit, neque lacus pulvinar leo, nec ultrices massa lacus a orci. Nulla vel nulla accumsan, accumsan nibh vel, vestibulum orci. Nunc dapibus, odio at suscipit vulputate, turpis ex convallis metus, vel scelerisque ligula nisl nec lectus. Donec tempus, ligula id euismod mattis, arcu erat pretium diam, vel vestibulum tortor dolor et quam. Vestibulum gravida lacinia ex vitae elementum.
== Related Pages ==
* [[Dye Tutorial]]
* [[Dye Mixing Tutorial]]
* [[Mothcat Redesigns]]
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[[Category:Mothcat Market]]
[[Category:Mothcat Market Guides]]