Salon Guide

Revision as of 05:35, 21 January 2019 by Iron (talk | contribs) (Salon Limits: Added information - themed v unthemed)
DISCLAIMER! A account is required to participate in the Mothcats ARPG. In addition, all participants automatically agree to the Species Terms and Conditions. Cheating and failure to comply with these terms will result in an automatic ban from the ARPG.
This page is under construction! Any information here is not ready for use and subject to change.

In general, unless stated, the royal "Mothcat" is used in this guide- this guide also applies to subspecies.


Salon Limits

In general, regardless of the nature of the salon, a Mothcat must remain recognizable to the original design. These rules apply to both Self Service and OA Salons- if a user is suspected to be trying to alternate between salons to get around limits, service may be denied.

Themed Designs

A "themed" Mothcat is any Mothcat with a design name provided above the artist credits in Mothchive. This generally includes Official and Guest designs, but some older MYO Mothcats may also have themes. If the theme is not in Mothchive, the cat is not considered "themed", even if a theme was provided.

A "themed" Mothcat must remain that theme- the interpretation of the theme may change, but it cannot be removed. As such, major design overhauls may be permitted if it clearly shows the spirit of the theme, but minor changes may be rejected if they're removing the theme.

Design elements of a "themed" Mothcat may still be considered in the case of particularly extreme salons- some design elements should still be kept.

Unthemed Designs/Design Only

"Unthemed" Mothcats are generally MYO Mothcats, who have no design name above their designer credits in Mothchive. Even if a theme is provided on MYO use, if it is not seen in Mothchive, the Mothcat is considered "unthemed" for salon purposes.

An "unthemed" Mothcat must remain visibly recognizable to their original design. In the case of multiple salons, the first design of the Mothcat is used to judge recognizablility. However, the perceived theme of the Mothcat may be changed freely, as long as the design remains recognizable.

Factors considered include colorschemes, markings and traits.

Species Differences

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nec nulla sollicitudin, consectetur augue eu, accumsan velit. Aliquam imperdiet massa nisl. Vivamus rhoncus sem vitae vulputate vestibulum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque at suscipit diam. Fusce dignissim nisi est, eu pretium erat aliquet non. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla neque quam, imperdiet suscipit est id, pharetra venenatis neque. Vivamus in pellentesque nunc. Aliquam euismod fringilla lectus, non suscipit lorem tincidunt tempus. Etiam congue purus vitae sollicitudin mattis. Cras dictum porttitor tortor, in pellentesque neque mollis et. Ut non justo lorem. Sed scelerisque semper erat ut consequat.


Sed id magna a risus fermentum cursus. In nisl quam, pellentesque nec ornare non, fringilla sed ligula. Suspendisse mi quam, rutrum sed magna vitae, porttitor congue sapien. Nullam vulputate dolor sit amet lectus porta dapibus. Nam at orci vel justo tempor cursus eget eget nunc. Quisque eget mauris nec turpis porttitor gravida at vel ligula. Morbi gravida erat a molestie interdum. Donec ex tellus, faucibus ut tincidunt lacinia, porta sed elit. Praesent venenatis ultricies tortor varius rutrum. Phasellus pharetra nunc ut tortor lacinia, eget aliquam elit consectetur. Pellentesque id egestas elit, id ultricies justo. Nullam consectetur sem id nunc malesuada, sodales laoreet nunc tempor. Duis vel porta enim. Etiam placerat massa at ante consectetur, a viverra dolor elementum.


Fusce malesuada sit amet ipsum a viverra. Donec dapibus velit sed magna consequat vehicula. Nullam eget ligula ac enim mollis imperdiet sed ut libero. Curabitur et elit vel massa posuere elementum ut venenatis massa. Nulla et diam iaculis, mattis lorem quis, malesuada neque. Vestibulum tristique leo lorem. Pellentesque tempor orci ac ante tincidunt, in convallis est suscipit.

Ut at condimentum nisl. Nam pulvinar diam vitae justo egestas euismod. Praesent non commodo lorem. Ut vel nulla metus. Vestibulum ut feugiat risus. Quisque quis nibh ex. Aliquam luctus a nulla rutrum maximus. In nec commodo nisl. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut lobortis neque tempor, commodo nulla eu, viverra odio. Praesent porta id sem at commodo. Integer a ante eu turpis tempor auctor. Integer vel efficitur quam. Mauris est quam, varius ac gravida et, tincidunt quis arcu.

Sed auctor congue tincidunt. Cras urna neque, pulvinar vel dapibus nec, semper sed dolor. Aenean efficitur convallis finibus. Quisque scelerisque eros eros, vitae finibus leo tincidunt ut. Phasellus quis pharetra urna. Aenean sollicitudin eu quam nec lacinia. Proin eget venenatis tellus, non laoreet dolor. Praesent ut odio ipsum. Donec sodales laoreet enim, tempus tincidunt sem maximus quis. Morbi magna mauris, convallis ut odio sit amet, accumsan scelerisque dolor. Donec eu ante congue, dictum arcu a, rutrum velit. Sed egestas turpis elementum risus dignissim, mattis bibendum odio auctor. In lectus lacus, ultricies a nisi ac, ullamcorper pretium lectus. Pellentesque varius dignissim quam eget dictum.

Self Service Specific Information

Methods and Techniques

Pre-Existing Markings

All pre-existing markings can be recolored with dyes without needing extra items. Markings can be removed by coloring them with the same color as the surrounding fur. Removed markings cannot be restored without the use of a Marking Primer!

New Markings

New markings can be added to Mothcats using Marking Primer, in addition to any required dyes for colors.


Regular dyes only offer "flat" and "solid" recolors. To add gradients, an Essence of Rainbow must be used.

Trait Changes

Any trait change requires the use of the appropriate level of Trait Change Ticket (TCs), whether this be to swap traits within a rarity level, or to increase the rarity level of a trait.

In the specific case of subbreed Mothcats, Common TCs may be used to add up to a maximum of two breed-specific traits to that cat. Any breed-specific traits beyond two requires an Exclusive TC.

If a Self Service Salon is used to apply a TC to a cat and nothing else, or any other changes qualify as minor, the 1SFT fee is not charged.

There is no hard limit to TC use, but trait changing will be considered in determining if a design is recognizable.


Eyes can be dyed by using Eye Primer along with a normal or egg dye. Egg dye is used when only the eye color is being changed, or if the new eye color is not otherwise being applied to the cat. Otherwise, the eyes are considered part of the cat's "area" for determining how many regular dye bottles are needed.

One Eye Primer changes one color in the eyes- it cannot be used to add more colors. More eye colors can only be added through trait changes (such as heterochromia for more iris colors, or colored scelra for the sclera).

Essences/Eggsences may not be used with Eye Primers- only "flat" colored dyes may be used.


Self Service Appraisals may be requested for:

  • Cats you own, with no restriction
  • Cats you don't own, but are either up for public trade or you are in private talks for, with the conditions of:
    • You must be able to provide proof of the (potential) trade at staff request
    • If the appraisal is being submitted publicly, it must have the permission of the current owner attached. (You are also welcome to privately note staff about trade appraisals.)
    • Users suspected of using this system to harass other members may be warned at staff discretion.

Design Reversions

In cases where you are reverting to the exact previous design of a cat, you may request to use the previous art of the cat, if applicable.

  • Previous designs/art are available on the cat's chive page.
  • Please use the desired art as your "new" base, and make it clear you're intending to switch back to that design.
  • Staff may choose to deny art reversion requests, in the case of extreme ongoing issues or extenuating circumstances.

Official Artist (OA) Specific Information

Quisque efficitur ex rutrum augue venenatis, ac placerat eros tincidunt. Fusce vestibulum nulla lacus, id facilisis felis dictum a. Etiam rutrum libero sed eros eleifend cursus. Vestibulum ex lorem, dictum eu molestie nec, congue eu dui. Curabitur nunc diam, dictum quis finibus non, aliquet mollis libero. Sed pretium venenatis tempus. Quisque eget pulvinar velit. Donec volutpat, arcu et pretium viverra, libero orci sagittis ante, pulvinar tristique tortor diam sit amet justo. Phasellus efficitur ipsum sem, sed finibus lacus convallis eu. Donec id nunc et nisi interdum condimentum quis eu eros. Phasellus libero sem, hendrerit eget euismod eu, aliquet vitae nisi. Aliquam quis bibendum ante. Duis turpis orci, ultrices a ante id, egestas lacinia elit.

Curabitur facilisis sodales ullamcorper. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum tristique mattis sagittis. Proin dictum et ante sed dictum. Vivamus ut pretium justo, eu fringilla arcu. Nam eget orci lectus. Sed ut tincidunt massa. Proin non dictum orci. Curabitur in massa eros.

Sed ac odio in mi tincidunt blandit ut sodales est. Sed lacus nunc, dignissim vel laoreet nec, pulvinar sed mauris. Nam aliquet lorem purus, vitae venenatis leo tincidunt a. Integer ac posuere felis, vitae elementum ipsum. Integer vestibulum enim in urna tempor fringilla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur sagittis diam elit, sit amet ornare purus feugiat non. In lacinia eros justo, eget aliquam ipsum feugiat sed. Fusce a augue dolor. Sed turpis lorem, auctor sed arcu ut, fringilla condimentum odio. Ut sodales augue blandit felis tristique ornare. Donec non felis ut sem faucibus pharetra. Mauris egestas odio quis felis euismod semper.

Mothchive Updating

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus pharetra eros et arcu ultrices egestas. Maecenas eu dictum dui. Nulla odio metus, fermentum sollicitudin laoreet vitae, commodo et sem. Nulla tristique felis vitae venenatis pretium. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aenean eu magna purus. Ut vulputate ultricies sapien ac tincidunt.

Suspendisse sed fermentum augue. Suspendisse vel odio semper, sagittis ante a, auctor neque. Etiam tincidunt ligula a tincidunt iaculis. Suspendisse dapibus, augue a placerat blandit, neque lacus pulvinar leo, nec ultrices massa lacus a orci. Nulla vel nulla accumsan, accumsan nibh vel, vestibulum orci. Nunc dapibus, odio at suscipit vulputate, turpis ex convallis metus, vel scelerisque ligula nisl nec lectus. Donec tempus, ligula id euismod mattis, arcu erat pretium diam, vel vestibulum tortor dolor et quam. Vestibulum gravida lacinia ex vitae elementum.

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