
Foxponds Trait Information

599 bytes added, 03:57, 25 December 2019
Pond Rock Color
| Real Hair
| Long hair growing from the foxpond's head.
|}} {{MCTraitsHead|Rare Traits}}
{{MCTraitsRare|Foxpond Water Hair.png}}
| Water Hair
| Pond water shaped to resemble hair on the head of the foxpond.}}
{{MCTraitsRare|Foxpond Water Wings.png}}
| Water Wings
| Magical pond water shaped to resemble wings; they can be the wings of any animal.
|}} {{MCTraitsHead|Ultra Traits}}
{{MCTraitsUR|Foxpond Real Wings.png}}
| Real Wings
| Physical wings that are not made from the foxpond's pond water.
|}} {{MCTraitsEnd}}
== Phases ==
new table that shows thumbs of Water, Fire, Ice, and Live Ice The magical water on a foxpond's back can change phases with Flowwhen exposed to special conditions, Fallchanging the appearance of the tail. Phases can be unlocked via the ARPG, and Extra tails for eachallowing the foxpond to change phase at will.
{| class="wikitable"
!Water!Fire!Ice!Live Ice