
Mothcats Trait Information

309 bytes removed, 03:21, 21 July 2017
Coat Lengths
== Coat Lengths ==
Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametThough the standard Mothcat coat is short, consectetur adipiscing elitbreeders have found ways to grow fine, plush coats. Fusce posuere imperdiet est vehicula posuere. Proin tincidunt imperdiet urnaSometimes, a Mothkitten’s fur will be shed completely as they age, sit amet dignissim metus pulvinar in. Sed non dolor eget lorem molestie aliquam vitae eget urna. Nulla tincidunt libero resulting in tempus vehicula. Ut mattis vel enim a molestie. Donec vitae lectus eu nisl feugiat vestibulum quis mattis tortor. Proin ornare porta magna suscipit vehicula. Mauris ante nunchairless (and hypoallergenic?) Mothcat! Recently, dapibus ac convallis ac, vulputate quis nunc. Ut sollicitudin arcu enim, ac dapibus urna pharetra acMothcats with curly fur have been sighted in the vicinity of Aldora… maybe it’s just the humidity. Phasellus luctus magna sed ligula laoreet convallis. Proin vestibulum lorem metus, eget bibendum leo blandit nec. Integer congue laoreet ipsum, id vehicula risus lacinia ut. Morbi mollis, dolor id dignissim malesuada, nibh sapien eleifend tellus, vitae luctus lectus odio fermentum quam. Sed a tortor non odio blandit faucibus ut eget lacus. Pellentesque sit amet felis eu massa luctus scelerisque lacinia vel enim. Morbi scelerisque lacus neque. Curabitur et diam libero. Mauris maximus felis vitae bibendum elementum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;
{{MCTraitsBegin|Trait|Name|Origin ("Type")|Description}}
| Standard
|Short hair MothcatMothcats with short fur are the most common, and always in style!}}
{{MCTraitsHead|Rare Traits}}
| Long
|Long-haired A Mothcatwith a long, plush coat that requires constant attention to avoid burrs and tangles in the Aldoran wilds. More commonly seen in house pets.}}
{{MCTraitsRare|Curly Coat.png}}
| Curly (New!)
|Variation A variation of long hairwith softly curled ends.}}
{{MCTraitsHead|Ultra Traits}}
| Hairless
|Hairless MothcatSome Mothcats lose their fur entirely as they grow from a kitten to a young adult. This is a very bittersweet occurrence; while some value these unique cats for their striking appearance and rarity, the loss of mane fur to wrap a cocoon often makes these cats unable to have kittens without intervention from Falena. }}